Bold Kiln is the go-to place for entrepreneurs, aspiring entrepreneurs and the larger startup ecosystem for all their needs. Founded in 2014, a complete solutions provider to startups with services, products, information, co-working space and funding.

I worked as a frontend developer intern with Bold Kiln and help them fixed frontend issues on their website.

About The Product

Bold Kiln is the go-to place for entrepreneurs, aspiring entrepreneurs and the larger startup ecosystem for all their needs. Founded in 2014, they are a complete solutions provider to startups with services, products, information, co-working space and funding. OperatorVC is a sector agnostic fund, looking at startups across spaces. They follow startups that have an MVP built with some traction to show for it and weigh the following parameters highly in their investment decisions: Team, Traction, Unit Economics, Size of Opportunity.

My Role

I worked as a frontend developer intern. My responsibility was to fix the styling, break links issues and add new features to the bold kiln website as suggested by founder Abhishek Agrawal or Gopal Yadav my mentor during my internship.


Note: Bold Kiln is now permanently closed